Sunday, July 11, 2010


There's one place you can go where everything is possible and the imagination rules over reality: dreams. I'm no talking about the visions that fill your mind while you are sleeping but rather the visions that flood your brain and heart when you're wide awake. Look around you and everything you see is there because someone had a dream for it to become a reality. How different would the world be if the Wright brothers decided their dream was too risky and worthless? Or how about if whoever invented the wheel decided not to work hard on improving on what he/she had and decided to just continue living life as usual? Dreams make the world go round and keep innovation alive and thriving!

When I was a kid, I had so many dreams. I wanted to be a superhero, a rodeo cowboy, a fireman, an astronaut, a pro athlete (thanks Tallas for telling me I would never make it in the NBA when that was a dream and being real...but thank you mom for telling me right after his statement that I could make it if I really really wanted to and showing you believed in me, even though I'm sure you truly didn't believe it. You didn't squash that dream but kept it alive. My own ability kind of squashed that dream.)

This begs the question to be asked: have you stopped dreaming? If you have, start now! To live life without dreams is to miss out on all life has to offer us. When we don't dream, we don't aspire to do something that meets a need, a strong desire within us. Sure, some dreams may be very impractical or we even fail when we try to see the dreams realized, but we cannot stop dreaming. What if you were to see your dream come to fruition? Would it be worth the troubles and hard work?

Recent events in my life have been both devastating yet at the same time motivating. I was on a path of complacency. Now, I had dreams and goals and visions but they needed to come secondary to my mediocre relationship with God. Now that I've solidified my relationship with Him, dreams I once had now seem very possible. I find myself at a major crossroads in my life. Everything is going to be different but I'm embracing the change and will make the most of what life throws my way.

As for my dreams, I share them just to share. Will I see them through? Maybe, maybe not. Will I fail? Most definitely I will fail in some areas but I will learn from them and seize golden opportunities as they come. Also, by me sharing it kind of helps me be accountable to them because I don't wanna be the guy who shared his dreams and failed to even follow them. Even though I am currently not working as a pastor I'm still a pastor at heart and want to do ministry however and wherever I can. God's given me a passion to reach out to the lost and hurting and the creativity to make it relevant. So, the plan is that I would like to go back to school and learn about computer design. We're talking website, graphic, multimedia, etc... I want to start a website where people can share what God is speaking to them. I want it to be a place where we can challenge each other to go against the flow of society and walk according to biblical principles that are being tossed around like a ship in the midst of a hurricane. I would also like to start a design business to help churches, youth groups, companies, ministries, etc... brand themselves effectively in an ever progressing digital world. So, that's a dream I have and now I feel capable of finally reaching out and wrangling that dream and making it a reality. It's a big dream but a very attainable one.

What are your dreams? What is holding you back from following and fulfilling them? What can you do immediately to start down the path to making those dreams a reality? Make it happen!

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